Info Utili / Useful Information

Materiale obbligatorio / Mandatory equipment

Ristori / Feed stations

Sara’ allestito un ristoro “solido”
ogni 10 km in media

I ristori sono definiti come segue

WATER: Acqua naturale, acqua frizzante
LIGHT: WATER + Coca Cola + cracker, pomodorini, banane, pane e olio
MEDIUM: LIGHT + frutta secca/barrette energetiche, formaggio
HEAVY: MEDIUM + pasta e/o riso

A “solid” feed station will be set up every 10 km av.

The feed stations are defined as follows

WATER: Natural water, sparkling water
LIGHT: WATER + Coca Cola + cracker, tomatoes, bananas, bread & oil
MEDIUM: LIGHT + dried fruit/energy bars, cheese
HEAVY: MEDIUM + pasta e/o rise

Meteo Info / Weather Info

Nei giorni precedenti la gara e per tutta la durata della gara, l’Osservatorio Meteorologico Raffaelli fornira’ le previsioni meteo.

Nei giorni della gara ciascun partecipante riceverà via sms le previsioni, in italiano ed in inglese, per il giorno successivo.

The days before the race and for the duration of the entire event, the Meteorological Observatory Raffaelli will provide the weather forecast.

During the race each participant will receive by sms on her/his mobile the weather forecast, both in italian and english language, for the following day.

Piano di Sicurezza / Safety

Copertura assicurativa / Insurance cover

ALVI TRAIL LIGURIA 2024 sarà assicurata stata assicurata da Marsh Affinity – UISP. ALVI TRAIL LIGURIA 2019 e’ stata assicurata da Marsh Affinity – UISP con POLIZZA UNIPOLSAI  RCT n.65/154099947  INFORTUNI n. 77/154100098

ALVI TRAIL LIGURIA 2024 will be insured by Marsch Affinity – UISP. 
ALVI TRAIL LIGURIA 2019 has been insured by Marsh Affinity – UISP with INSURANCE POLICY   RCT (THIRD PARTY LIABILITY)  n. 65/154099947  ACCIDENT n.77/154100098.